Thursday, November 23, 2017

Jersey (W)rap in Manhattan

This started out as a wearable muslin which I finished in time for my US holiday.

Derived from the jersey block this faux wrap has a couple of side pleats and a quarter circle skirt and three - fourth sleeves. The fabric belt is 1 1/4th inch wide. The skirt and the sleeves are not hemmed - I didn't have enough fabric to make the skirt longer and hemming it would have made it too short for my liking. I used ball point needles this time (my husband got it for me from his trip to Amsterdam) and it made a world of difference.

I will be making changes to the pattern since the pleats are not too deep.The fabric is lightweight and not of great quality, I think a medium weight jersey would have been perfect which I haven't been able to find in India yet. My search continues. All the flaws aside, it still is one of those dresses that makes you feel fabulous. I wore it the day we visited Bryant Park, NYC. What a memorable day it turned out to be! There was a free figure drawing class with a live model which I got to participate in. Thoroughly enjoyed it. We had a lovely picnic near the Central library. And the day ended with some really fun square dancing in the park with a bunch of happy and enthusiastic but absolute strangers. It might still not be the perfect dress, but I do believe that when you feel fabulous, a perfect day just happens.